We use HP keyboards with buildin Smart Card Reader on HP thin clients and a Presentation Server 4.5 Advanced Edition.
We don't use this SC Reader to Authenticate for XenApp, but only to read the Belgium electronic ID cards, via the Belgium eID application.
The first user that connects to the Citrix server can use Smart Card Reader, and can see his ID card via the eID software.
The second user can't use the Smart Card Reader anymore and gets a message 'Please insert a valid ID card'.
Is multi user smart card reader supported bij PS 4.5 ?
Do I need to install some additional software ?
Or is the eID software not compatible ?
Any help is welcome ! Thanks ...
This software is Smart Card reader driver(Ver. for Dell Smart Card Reader Keyboard (SK3106). Skip Navigation. Place orders quickly and easily. Dell offers a variety of Software applications designed to provide you with the most optimized user and support experience possible. You may have selected some. Hi, I have a working PC/SC Application for XP but doesnt work for Vista. I plugged in the reader. I called the API SCardListReaders() but returns an empty reader list. I am not sure if. There is a link failure between the Driver and the Smart Card Resource Manager or The PC/SC Application nee Also, make sure your smart card service is.
The SCR331 Smart Card Reader is the first of a new family of smart card readers based on SCM's STC II chip, which includes support for multiple interfaces, multiple reader devices and relevant standards. Together, these features provide SCM with the unique ability to. The Open Smart Card Development Platform (OpenSCDP) is a collection of tools for the development, test and deployment of smart card and public key infrastructure applications. It uses the capabilities of Global Platform Scripting, Profile and Messaging technology to provide unsurpassed flexibility and development speed. The smart card programming API provides an application layer between the smart card and the application interface. The unit of exchange with a smart card is the called as Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) packet. Communication with the card and the reader is performed using APDUs. Smart card reader free download - SCR3310 USB Smart Card Reader drivers, USB Smart Card Reader, ACR38 Smart Card Reader Driver, and many more programs. Related: smart card reader software.
There is an opensource software called 'Smart Card Manager' which is referenced on militarycac.com as an alternative to using ActivClient 6.2 (AKA for those of us that can't access a CAC secured site to download a program designed to enable the use of a CAC card needed for said site).

I'm not totally sure what the program actually did, however, it seems to have re-established the link between my card reader and my internet browser/certificate management software. Below is the link to the program:
And below is the link to the page on militarycac.com (Also a wonderful resource for anyone military for finding the latest drivers and certificate packs for your computer and card reader)
Finally, make sure (if you're military) that you have all of the appropriate DoD PKI Root Certificates installed and have uninstalled old/conflicting certificates. Instructions for this can be found by clicking the Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) website ( https://wwwa.nko.navy.mil/ ) and clicking the CAC Login Help link below the login button in the center of the page. The link will pop up a window with instructions for things to do on the DISA website. Make sure you complete the following:
- Follow the instructions to run the Cross-Certificate remover (instructions are found in the popup on NKO.
- INSTALL 'Installroot 4' on your machine. To do this choose the 'Trust Store' tab instead of the 'Certificate Validation' tab on the Tools page of the DISA site. 'Installroot 4: NIPR Windows Installer' is the DoD PKI certificate installer that you then need to download and install.
Following all of that, you should be up and running. It's taken me a lot of digging to find this solution and I've done a lot of the working with solutions from militarycac.com in the past and it seems every time windows changes, something about smartcard login on government sites breaks. Hopefully this will save some of the rest of you that headache that we all hate.
Usb Smart Card Reader Software
*This method has successfully restored my access to all of the military sites I had access to in the past. (MyPay, BUPERS, NFAS, DEERS, NSIPS, NKO, MOVE.MIL) hopefully it works for you as well.