ALSO READ: 3 Ways to Gain Full Visibility and Control of Supply Chain Operations. Meanwhile, a back-up at dry dock No. 4 sets off worker alerts. Nearby crew members receive the signal to clear the bottleneck. The timer in the corner of the screen shows the carrier due for pick up in 20 minutes. By playing the Supply Chain Game, you will discover the importance of harnessing collaboration and transparency across the chain. Click here to play. Slimstock International UAE. The final round is the final after which a winning team can be determined. Supply Chain Game Round 2 Preliminary Thoughts Well we are almost done with the second round of the Supply Chain game. It is day 1434 and Area51 is rocking our world! About $4.5 millon seperates us from overtaking them. Luckily wer are with in $192k of 3guys so there is hope we can catch them in th last 26 days.
Now that the simulation has ended, the results defy my earlier expectations. In blog entry 'Too Much, Too Late', I stated other team members had purchased way more capacity than we needed at that stage of the game. However, results proved me wrong. We were able to effectively use most of our purchased capacity. The most telling sign is looking at our cash graph. Given the long run with our prior capacity, one can eye-ball where we would have ended up with only the minor change I had advocated. However, the steep drop followed by the steep rise in cash when we invested and then utilized capacity easily passed where we would have been. It's not that I had doubted the steeper growth line would cross our previous growth, it was only a matter of when . . . before or after day 1460 and the end of the game. As it turned out, it was significantly before and thus a wise move on the part of others wiloing to take a bigger risk. However, one thing to note, which was a comment made by the same team member who made the big capacity investment. In the debriefing, JW said that our growth slope and the winning team's growth slope were about the same and that, because they had made their investment sooner, there was no way we could have caught up. The implications of this comment are significant because the other team had only invested in about 150 unit daily capacity while we invested in 200 unit daily capacity. Thus, one wonders, if our growth rates were about the same, did we over-invest by 50 units (about $2.5 million)? If you remember, I had advocated going from 98 to 108 which would have been way too conservative. But did we err on the high side? At this point, there is now easy way to calculate.The Supply Chain Game. The Supply Chain Game is an online supply network simulator. In a typical setting students are divided into teams and compete against each other in one or two assignments lasting a.